IOS Linq

IOS Linq

麻煩的 Apple (靠), 今天 release iOS 的時候失敗, 原因又是 iOS 對 System.Linq 的支援問題. (@#% 垃圾 Apple SDK)

找錯處, 以下有 2 組 Linq, 只有其中一種可以成功執行

public class MyClass
	public string text;
public MethodTest()
	// both working on android & iOS
	List<MyClass> text02 = new List<MyClass>();
	// MyClass is the custom class, when new object it create object instance.
	text02.Add(new MyClass(){ text = "1"});
	text02.Add(new MyClass(){ text = "12"});
	text02.Add(new MyClass(){ text = "123"});
	var rst02 = text02.Where(x => x.text.Length = 2).FirstOrDefault();
	// iOS will fail to compile
	List<string> text01 = new List<string>();
	// <-- the reason to fail non-instance class e.g. { int, string, float, bool...etc }
	var rst01 = text01.Where(x => x.Length == 2).FirstOrDefault();


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