Unity3D Editor TextField AutoCompelete (Version 2)

Unity3D Editor TextField AutoCompelete (Version 2)

繼前一篇 : Unity3D Editor TextField AutoCompelete

經過幾天的調試跟學習, 完全使用 Event.current 來檢測當前位置, 看來就是比較正確地繞過這個 (Unity inspector bug) 的方法
也因為使用上 Event.current 分離 Mouse Click 的關係, 現在加入了簡單的 Keyboard hotkey 功能.

到目前為止, 暫時沒有找到明顯的 Bugs, 如果有的話歡迎作出建議及討論.

Unity3d Editor TextField AutoComplete

Feature :

  • [New] Up/Down Arrow to select the option
  • [New] Enter to confirm and replace current text to selected option.
  • [New] when string are perfect matching the option, the option will display as selected.
  • Giving recommend result based on giving string[] in editor
  • support Fuzzy matching – Levenshtein  Distance (Wiki) (code ref: C#)


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public sealed class EditorExtend
	#region Text AutoComplete
	/// <summary>The internal struct used for AutoComplete (Editor)</summary>
	private struct EditorAutoCompleteParams
		public const string FieldTag = "AutoCompleteField";
		public static readonly Color FancyColor = new Color(.6f, .6f, .7f);
		public static readonly float optionHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
		public const int fuzzyMatchBias = 3; // input length smaller then this letter, will not trigger fuzzy checking.
		public static List<string> CacheCheckList = null;
		public static string lastInput;
		public static string focusTag = "";
		public static string lastTag = ""; // Never null, optimize for length check.
		public static int selectedOption = -1; // record current selected option.
		public static Vector2 mouseDown;

		public static void CleanUpAndBlur()
			selectedOption = -1;

	/// <summary>A textField to popup a matching popup, based on developers input values.</summary>
	/// <param name="input">string input.</param>
	/// <param name="source">the data of all possible values (string).</param>
	/// <param name="maxShownCount">the amount to display result.</param>
	/// <param name="levenshteinDistance">
	/// value between 0f ~ 1f, (percent)
	/// - more then 0f will enable the fuzzy matching
	/// - 1f = 100% error threshold = anything thing is okay.
	/// - 0f = 000% error threshold = require full match to the reference
	/// - recommend 0.4f ~ 0.7f
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>output string.</returns>
	public static string TextFieldAutoComplete(string input, string[] source, int maxShownCount = 5, float levenshteinDistance = 0.5f)
		return TextFieldAutoComplete(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), input, source, maxShownCount, levenshteinDistance);

	/// <summary>A textField to popup a matching popup, based on developers input values.</summary>
	/// <param name="position">EditorGUI position</param>
	/// <param name="input">string input.</param>
	/// <param name="source">the data of all possible values (string).</param>
	/// <param name="maxShownCount">the amount to display result.</param>
	/// <param name="levenshteinDistance">
	/// value between 0f ~ 1f, (percent)
	/// - more then 0f will enable the fuzzy matching
	/// - 1f = 100% error threshold = everything is okay.
	/// - 0f = 000% error threshold = require full match to the reference
	/// - recommend 0.4f ~ 0.7f
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>output string.</returns>
	public static string TextFieldAutoComplete(Rect position, string input, string[] source, int maxShownCount = 5, float levenshteinDistance = 0.5f)
		// Text field
		int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
		string tag = EditorAutoCompleteParams.FieldTag + controlId;
		string rst = EditorGUI.TextField(position, input, EditorStyles.popup);

		// Matching with giving source
		if (input.Length > 0 && // have input
			(EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag.Length == 0 || EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag == tag) && // one frame delay for process click event.
			GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == tag) // focus this control
			// Matching
			if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastInput != input || // input changed
				EditorAutoCompleteParams.focusTag != tag) // switch focus from another field.
				// Update cache
				EditorAutoCompleteParams.focusTag = tag;
				EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastInput = input;

				List<string> uniqueSrc = new List<string>(new HashSet<string>(source)); // remove duplicate
				int srcCnt = uniqueSrc.Count;
				EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList = new List<string>(System.Math.Min(maxShownCount, srcCnt)); // optimize memory alloc
				// Start with - slow
				for (int i = 0; i < srcCnt && EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count < maxShownCount; i++)
					if (uniqueSrc[i].ToLower().StartsWith(input.ToLower()))

				// Contains - very slow
				if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count == 0)
					for (int i = 0; i < srcCnt && EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count < maxShownCount; i++)
						if (uniqueSrc[i].ToLower().Contains(input.ToLower()))

				// Levenshtein Distance - very very slow.
				if (levenshteinDistance > 0f && // only developer request
					input.Length > EditorAutoCompleteParams.fuzzyMatchBias && // bias on input, hidden value to avoid doing it too early.
					EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count < maxShownCount) // have some empty space for matching.
					levenshteinDistance = Mathf.Clamp01(levenshteinDistance);
					string keywords = input.ToLower();
					for (int i = 0; i < srcCnt && EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count < maxShownCount; i++)
						int distance = Kit.Extend.StringExtend.LevenshteinDistance(uniqueSrc[i], keywords, caseSensitive: false);
						bool closeEnough = (int)(levenshteinDistance * uniqueSrc[i].Length) > distance;
						if (closeEnough)

			// Draw recommend keyward(s)
			if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count > 0)
				Event evt = Event.current;
				int cnt = EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count;
				float height = cnt * EditorAutoCompleteParams.optionHeight;
				Rect area = new Rect(position.x, position.y - height, position.width, height);
				// Fancy color UI
				EditorGUI.DrawRect(area, EditorAutoCompleteParams.FancyColor);
				GUI.Label(area, GUIContent.none, GUI.skin.button);

				// Click event hack - part 1
				// cached data for click event hack.
				if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint)
					// Draw option(s), if we have one.
					// in repaint cycle, we only handle display.
					Rect line = new Rect(area.x, area.y, area.width, EditorAutoCompleteParams.optionHeight);
					for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
						EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(line, GUIContent.none, (input == EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[i]));
						Rect option = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(line);
						if (line.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
							// hover style
							EditorGUI.LabelField(option, EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[i], GUI.skin.textArea);
							EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption = i;

							GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; // required for Cursor skin. (AddCursorRect)
							EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(area, MouseCursor.ArrowPlus);
						else if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption == i)
							// hover style
							EditorGUI.LabelField(option, EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[i], GUI.skin.textArea);
							EditorGUI.LabelField(option, EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[i], EditorStyles.label);
						line.y += line.height;

					// when hover popup, record this as the last usein tag.
					if (area.Contains(evt.mousePosition) && EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag != tag)
						// Debug.Log("->" + tag + " Enter popup: " + area);
						// used to trigger the clicked checking later.
						EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag = tag;
				else if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown)
					if (area.Contains(evt.mousePosition) || position.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
						EditorAutoCompleteParams.mouseDown = evt.mousePosition;
						// click outside popup area, deselected - blur.
				else if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp)
					if (position.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
						// common case click on textfield.
						return rst;
					else if (area.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
						if (Vector2.Distance(EditorAutoCompleteParams.mouseDown, evt.mousePosition) >= 3f)
							// Debug.Log("Click and drag out the area.");
							return rst;
							// Click event hack - part 3
							// for some reason, this session only run when popup display on inspector empty space.
							// when any selectable field behind of the popup list, Unity3D can't reaching this session.
							_AutoCompleteClickhandle(position, ref rst);
							EditorAutoCompleteParams.focusTag = string.Empty; // Clean up
							EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag = string.Empty; // Clean up
						// click outside popup area, deselected - blur.
					return rst;
				else if (evt.isKey && evt.type == EventType.KeyUp)
					switch (evt.keyCode)
						case KeyCode.PageUp:
						case KeyCode.UpArrow:
							if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption < 0)
								EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption = EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count - 1;
						case KeyCode.PageDown:
						case KeyCode.DownArrow:
							if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption >= EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count)
								EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption = 0;

						case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:
						case KeyCode.Return:
							if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption != -1)
								_AutoCompleteClickhandle(position, ref rst);
								EditorAutoCompleteParams.focusTag = string.Empty; // Clean up
								EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag = string.Empty; // Clean up

						case KeyCode.Escape:

							// hit any other key(s), assume typing, avoid override by Enter;
							EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption = -1;
		else if (EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag == tag &&
			GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != tag)
			// Click event hack - part 2
			// catching mouse click on blur
			_AutoCompleteClickhandle(position, ref rst);
			EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag = string.Empty; // reset

		return rst;

	/// <summary>calculate auto complete select option location, and select it.
	/// within area, and we display option in "Vertical" style.
	/// which line is what we care.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="rst">input string, may overrided</param>
	/// <param name="cnt"></param>
	/// <param name="area"></param>
	/// <param name="mouseY"></param>
	private static void _AutoCompleteClickhandle(Rect position, ref string rst)
		int index = EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption;
		Vector2 pos = EditorAutoCompleteParams.mouseDown; // hack: assume mouse are stay in click position (1 frame behind).

		if (0 <= index && index < EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count)
			rst = EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[index];
			GUI.changed = true;
			// Debug.Log("Selecting index (" + EditorAutoCompleteParams.selectedOption + ") "+ rst);
			// Fail safe, when selectedOption failure
			int cnt = EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList.Count;
			float height = cnt * EditorAutoCompleteParams.optionHeight;
			Rect area = new Rect(position.x, position.y - height, position.width, height);
			if (!area.Contains(pos))
				return; // return early.

			float lineY = area.y;
			for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
				if (lineY < pos.y && pos.y < lineY + EditorAutoCompleteParams.optionHeight)
					rst = EditorAutoCompleteParams.CacheCheckList[i];
					Debug.LogError("Fail to select on \"" + EditorAutoCompleteParams.lastTag + "\" selected = " + rst + "\ncalculate by mouse position.");
					GUI.changed = true;
				lineY += EditorAutoCompleteParams.optionHeight;



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Kit.Extend
	public static class StringExtend
		/// <summary>Computes the Levenshtein Edit Distance between two enumerables.</summary>
		/// <param name="lhs">The first enumerable.</param>
		/// <param name="rhs">The second enumerable.</param>
		/// <returns>The edit distance.</returns>
		/// <see cref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance"/>
		public static int LevenshteinDistance(string lhs, string rhs, bool caseSensitive = true)
			if (!caseSensitive)
				lhs = lhs.ToLower();
				rhs = rhs.ToLower();
			char[] first = lhs.ToCharArray();
			char[] second = rhs.ToCharArray();
			return LevenshteinDistance<char>(first, second);
		/// <summary>Computes the Levenshtein Edit Distance between two enumerables.</summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the items in the enumerables.</typeparam>
		/// <param name="lhs">The first enumerable.</param>
		/// <param name="rhs">The second enumerable.</param>
		/// <returns>The edit distance.</returns>
		/// <see cref="https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/toub/2006/05/05/generic-levenshtein-edit-distance-with-c/"/>
		public static int LevenshteinDistance<T>(IEnumerable<T> lhs, IEnumerable<T> rhs) where T : System.IEquatable<T>
			// Validate parameters
			if (lhs == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("lhs");
			if (rhs == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("rhs");

			// Convert the parameters into IList instances
			// in order to obtain indexing capabilities
			IList<T> first = lhs as IList<T> ?? new List<T>(lhs);
			IList<T> second = rhs as IList<T> ?? new List<T>(rhs);

			// Get the length of both.  If either is 0, return
			// the length of the other, since that number of insertions
			// would be required.
			int n = first.Count, m = second.Count;
			if (n == 0) return m;
			if (m == 0) return n;

			// Rather than maintain an entire matrix (which would require O(n*m) space),
			// just store the current row and the next row, each of which has a length m+1,
			// so just O(m) space. Initialize the current row.
			int curRow = 0, nextRow = 1;

			int[][] rows = new int[][] { new int[m + 1], new int[m + 1] };
			for (int j = 0; j <= m; ++j)
				rows[curRow][j] = j;

			// For each virtual row (since we only have physical storage for two)
			for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
				// Fill in the values in the row
				rows[nextRow][0] = i;

				for (int j = 1; j <= m; ++j)
					int dist1 = rows[curRow][j] + 1;
					int dist2 = rows[nextRow][j - 1] + 1;
					int dist3 = rows[curRow][j - 1] +
						(first[i - 1].Equals(second[j - 1]) ? 0 : 1);

					rows[nextRow][j] = System.Math.Min(dist1, System.Math.Min(dist2, dist3));

				// Swap the current and next rows
				if (curRow == 0)
					curRow = 1;
					nextRow = 0;
					curRow = 0;
					nextRow = 1;

			// Return the computed edit distance
			return rows[curRow][m];




  1. Pingback: Unity3D Editor TextField AutoCompelete – Clonefactor

  2. Thomas Kail

    Hey! Thanks for this! I’m finding that the “clicks are used by the items drawn before” issue still occurs.
    As a workaround I was wondering about disabling input from other sources at the top of the editor block if the menu is open? Not tried it yet though!
    Thanks again!

    1. Editor script was the dark side of Unity3D programming, well, I didn’t expect the foreigner can read the Chinese, Cheer!
      The “click” event getting control by previous EditorGUI elements are very annoying.
      I got a draft prototype before, but those aren’t good idea.
      In theory if you can wrap up all EditorGUI elements put them in Dictionary at runtime(by index?!), and listen on Event.current, you may able to redirect the focus to anyway you want to.
      but that solution was buggy,
      1) performance issue,
      2) way too hard to program and dealing with upcoming bug,
      3) hard to share the develop feature with somebody. (nobody understand)

      so…. yeah I fail, at the end I just give up the idea and convince the artist try not to request the internal tools with fancy interface, since we focus on developing gameplay instead of sale tools on assetStore.
      I mean redesign the UI to avoid things overlap 😀

      PS: when I said wrap up, mean to implement the EditorGUI into IDisposable interface.
      so you can hidden you dirty work/control inside but not changing the API so much.
      and to do that, you can start code the EditorGUI in more OOP way.
      e.g. draw UI blocks within a function, if…else.. indent, may be implement your custom function to return hidden value…etc.
      example here : https://bitbucket.org/canistk/kit/src/master/Editor/EditorExtend.cs


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