Solution for Animator become uninitialized, after SetGenericBinding()-> and removed from timeline.

Solution for Animator become uninitialized, after SetGenericBinding()-> and removed from timeline.

During the development on 用 TimeLine 來實作跳越障礙物, I discover the Animator will be uninitialized.
waiting the answer on Forum, but the solution I made up was manually re-initialize all private reference and avoid keeping the long term reference on SMB,

here is the sample code to detect Animator become uninitialized.

private bool m_AnimationDirty = false;
private void Update()
	if (!m_AnimationDirty && !animator.isInitialized)
		m_AnimationDirty = true;
		Debug.LogWarning("Animator dirty", animator);
	else if (m_AnimationDirty && animator.isInitialized)
		m_AnimationDirty = false;
		ReInitSMB(); // reinitialize reference right here.
		Debug.Log("Animator Re-init SMB reference.", animator);


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